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Sunday, August 14, 2005

About Me

Birthday:May 25
Current Location:East Hartford
Eye Color:Blue
Hair Color:Blonde
Right Handed or Left Handed:Right
Your Heritage:German, with a lot of other stuff...
The Shoes You Wore Today:New Balance 574's
Your Weakness:Umm...
Your Fears:Umm...
Your Perfect Pizza:Ham
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:Umm...
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:LoL
Thoughts First Waking Up:Back to reality...
Your Best Physical Feature:Umm...
Your Bedtime:Whenever I fall asleep...
Your Most Missed Memory:If I knew what it was it wouldn't be missed...
Pepsi or Coke:Coke
MacDonalds or Burger King:MacDonalds, only because my brother works there...
Single or Group Dates:Either
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:I don't drink Iced Tea...
Chocolate or Vanilla:Vanilla
Cappuccino or Coffee:Neither
Do you Smoke:Eww, no
Do you Swear:Yes
Do you Sing:I attempt it...
Do you Shower Daily:Hell Yes
Have you Been in Love:No
Do you want to go to College:Yes
Do you want to get Married:Sort of...
Do you belive in yourself:Yes
Do you get Motion Sickness:No
Do you think you are Attractive:No
Are you a Health Freak:No
Do you get along with your Parents:Generally...
Do you like Thunderstorms:HELL YEA!!
Do you play an Instrument:No
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol:No
In the past month have you Smoked:No
In the past month have you been on Drugs:No
In the past month have you gone on a Date:No
In the past month have you gone to a Mall:Yes
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:No
In the past month have you eaten Sushi:No
In the past month have you been on Stage:Yes
In the past month have you been Dumped:No
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:No
In the past month have you Stolen Anything:No
Ever been Drunk:No
Ever been called a Tease:No
Ever been Beaten up:No
Ever Shoplifted:Isn't that stealing...?
How do you want to Die:In my sleep of natural causes
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:Architect / General Contractor
What country would you most like to Visit:England
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color:I don't know...
Favourite Hair Color:Blondish - Brown
Short or Long Hair:Whatever looks good...
Height:Shorter than me
Best Clothing Style:Who cares
Number of Drugs I have taken:None
Number of CDs I own:A lot...
Number of Piercings:0
Number of Tattoos:0
Number of things in my Past I Regret:Not sure...I don't dwell on them


Thursday, July 21, 2005

It's a Hard-knock Life

For us. Yea. Last musical outburst for this entry, I swear.

Life seems to be more and more complicated, and more and more difficult. I don't know what to do sometimes, except, like I sometimes exclaim, go cry in a corner.

Work seemed to be awful at first. I don't mind working, because this wasn't my first job (well it was my first legal job, but yea). The manager seemed like a total ass, who would run through things very fast, and only once. He'd get mad if I asked a question, and if I didn't but made a mistake, more mad. So the double jeopardy thing was pissing me off. But now that I know just about everything that I need to, life is good. The drivers are really nice and helpful, so it's good when they're not all out making deliveries.

Home life seems okay. Mom and dad are, still, hard working people, earning a living and paying for our very comfortable life style, and no I'm not complaining.

Going to Jersey on Saturday for a kick-ass family reunion. Can't wait. Tomorrow I have to make a Cheesecake (YAY!) to bring for dessert, which will be awesome. Of course there won't be nearly enough, and I'll probably have to slice it into like sixteenth's, which will stink even more. Oh well, I'll just eat more pieces. Yup.

Sunday doesn't seem too bad. Maybe hanging with friends (I HOPE!) and then a couple parties this coming week, which I cannot wait for. I still have to decide upon a gift for one, and then an outfit for the other. Hmm.

Yes, life is hard. And it sucks. But those few moments where you enjoy yourself, make life all worth it.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

First Day on the Road

Well, I've had my Learners Permit for a while now, but I've only actually gone driving twice. I went in a parking lot the day I got it, and then yesterday. Whenever my parents feel like taking me out driving, I'm working. When I'm not working, they don't want to...

Oh well. So the first time was in an empty parking lot behind Showcase Cinemas in East Hartford. Woa. A light tap on the gas and that thing moves! A slight tap on the brakes and you're through the windshield! It probably doesn't help that we have a six cylinder with a mini turbo system in a little four door car. My mom wanted that thing to move! LOL, and so it does. Of course, when you're in the drivers seat 20 MPH seems like 60 when your parents are driving.

But yesterday, was my first time on the streets of EH. It was a blast! My dad had to go pick up Mike from work, so he let me drive! I was shocked. I thought we were going to another empty parking lot but he had me pull it out of the driveway and everything! Ah! I was scared, and quite nervous to be honest. But once I started to go, it was a blast. I was a little worried about stopping in time at a stop sign, or stopping behind a car at a stop light without hitting them, but hey, I'm writing in here, aren't I?

It was smooth sailing from my house to the McDonald's of Glastonbury. I even pulled into a parking spot! Granted, there were no cars for like 5 spaces, but you get the point. My dad said I did a really good job of staying in the center of my lane, without swerving at all. Of course, there was some road work along route 5 (I can't go on the highways yet) so I had to dodge manholes and cones, but it was fun.

So, maybe y'all shouldn't stay off the roads after all...

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

[short] Vacation

As most people know, I was on vacation this past week, and boy was it awesome. Too short, as well.

We started with an eleven hour car ride down to Virginia. We stayed with my aunt a couple of nights, and went to the lake house on Sunday, and on Monday. Some relatives set off fireworks on a barge, and those were awesome.

The neighbors were lighting off fireworks too, but they weren't too smart. They were lighting ones and placing them on their dock, but the fireworks were meant to be placed in a tube, and launched into the air. Every time they set one off they would run as fast as they could back to shore. It was quite funny and entertaining.

Tuesday I went to see Bewitched with the family, and boy was that the worst movie ever. I almost fell asleep. Staring out the window on a rainy day is more entertaining.

Wednesday, Go Karts! That was so much fun, except that my little brother purposefully pushed me into the wall because he didn't want to be passed. Loser. Sore loser.

Thursday we drove to Jersey, and visited my dad's family there. That was fun too. Taught my aunt how to play Cranium and she loved it! We started out last, we were two brains behind, and on the slow track, but we ended in second, because we rock.

Came home Saturday, missing the Jersey shore. Oh well, we'll be back down there in two weeks for a family gather, which will be totally awesome.

Now, I have a busy ass week. Lots of work, which I hate going to, and missing some time to hang out with my friends.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Most people think of consequences as a bad thing. People tend to think that consequences are the bad results of something that happens to you; example: the consequences for stealing were jail time. Simple, right?

Well, most people tend to be mistaken. Consequences are the reactions of your actions; hence, the results of what you do. These can be good or bad. The consequences of a great report card may be that you get a car from your parents. That doesn't sound that bad to me, does it?

Well, just so people know, consequences can result from anything: something you say, something you did or didn't do, or even something that naturally happens to you. Consequences can even befall upon someone who didn't deserve it, meaning someone else did something that affected you. Yes, this isn't fair, but hey...life isn't either?

Well just remember to think about the consequences of your actions next time you act, or the next time you speak. There are others in this world, and as much as you may not want to believe it, you affect us all.
It takes one drop in the ocean to make a wave...

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Parties, Hobos, and Chocolate

And so on. You know the drill. Party means fun, and fun means...well, fun. Everyone knows what that is. Sheesh. Get off my case.

Yes, so yesterday I got to see Alexandra, and was glad she was doing well. I hope she liked my gigantuous card. Only took me five stores to find it, so yea. You better like it, lol.

Yea, so finals are going okay. I did really horrible on Chem, with a curve. But I still have an A for my final grade, so I'm happy about that. AP Chem here I come, but only after I do that damn summer homework.

Speaking of which, History will kill me. The book is too long, small text, and I'm a slow reader. That's a recipe for a very boring summer, and you still haven't added in the four essays to make it all choclatey. Yup, so you can tell what I'll be doing all summer.

Everyone is going away: Emily and Matt! Sheesh. I'm going away on vacation for a week, but I'm missing like four parties! It makes me so sad, because I want to go them all, no lie, but I can't. There's no way I can get out of the family vacation. It's like trying to pull a hobo off of a ham sandwich. Physically impossible, no matter what universe you are in.

But, life has been like a box of chocolates: been totally surprised by what I'm getting. Oh well, it makes life fun and interesting. Who wants to live in a box (other than the previously mentioned hobo, but I doubt that's a "want") ?

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

[SO] You're dating my best friend?

You wanna love her? You wanna squeeze her? Then you've got to got to try a little tenderness...

That's the only musical moment in this entry...I swear.

Yea, so you're dating my best friend...

And did you bother to get my approval? We'll disregard that blatant error, and move on, but I'll never forget it...

There are only a few rules that I shall go over, but as far as you dating her, I guess you did something right, she obviously agreed to the relationship. I mean, if she didn't then I'd assume that she'd have someone pound your face in, right?

But as for the rules, they are simple, and expected to be followed. I guess.
1. NO PHYSICAL CONTACT! This includes holding hands, kissing (making out), feeling, pushing, and above all else SEX.
2. Holidays. Yes, there are like a million. Make sure you remember them all! (New Years - be there to ring in the new year right, Valentines Day - self explanitory, Birthday - need I say more?, Thanksgiving - meet the family, Christmas - she's the best)
3. ANNIVERSARY! Remember it, 'nuff said.
4. Tell her how much you appreciate her.
5. Befriend her best friend, it'll help.
6. Walk her to her door after a date.
7. Lady's first!
8. No speeding...
9. Open the doors for her
10. Pull out her chair for her
11. Be polite!
12. Be nice.
13. Don't insult her (and no making fun of her)...
69. None of these!
99. Shopping with her is a must.
100. Buy her lots of things!

So, I hope this helps you out, but if it doesn't, talk to me for a full list.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Bagel's Quiz Thingy

Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Work ethic63%
Self absorbed50%
Conflict seeking43%
Need to dominate30%
Change averse30%
Peter pan complex36%
Physical security83%
Food indulgent10%
Female cliche36%

Stability results were medium which suggests you are moderately relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.
Orderliness results were moderately low which suggests you are, at times, overly flexible, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense of reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.
Extraversion results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.

trait snapshot:
messy, disorganized, not rule conscious, rebellious, rash, weird, ambivalent about chaos, likes bizarre things, anti-authority, not good at saving money, not a perfectionist, leaves many things unfinished, low self control, strange, desires more attention, romantic daydreamer, abstract, impractical, unproductive, leisurely, likes the unknown

Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.com

Sunday, May 15, 2005

[Quite] A Long Time

But that's okay. It's not like anyone reads this anyways.

This weekend kind of stunk. I didn't get to hang out with my friends as much as I would have liked, but that's okay. I had a good time on Saturday night without Jessica. Because, you know, she cancelled on me because she found a loop hold back into prom. It's okay, I see where her priorities are.

Life is kind of depressing sometimes, things just don't go the way you want, but when they do, you have the best days of your life.

Or do you?

Oh well. This entry is really retarded, but I don't care. I'll be updating tomorrow with an interesting topic. So stay tuned for a good laugh.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Florida, Florida, Florida. What can we say about Florida.

Well, to sum it all up in one word: Hurricane. Haha. Not really though.

I saw the best profile ever, by my friend Monica:

And the next time Florida gets hit by a hurricane you can come crying to us if you want to, but you're the ones who built on a fucking swamp. "Let the Spanish keep it, it's a shithole," we said, but you had to have your fucking orange juice.

I mean, think about it. Who would want to live there? Yea they get nice warm weather and there's no snow to shovel, but what about those minor things called hurricanes? Is living in Florida really worth it? Is losing your life to the mobile home down the street really worth the warm, clear water and the sun that could burn your skin in 0.34 seconds? Come on now.

Don't get me wrong, vacationing there is far worth it. I would do it. But, off hurricane season of course...