Most people think of consequences as a bad thing. People tend to think that consequences are the bad results of something that happens to you; example: the consequences for stealing were jail time. Simple, right?
Well, most people tend to be mistaken. Consequences are the reactions of your actions; hence, the results of what you do. These can be good or bad. The consequences of a great report card may be that you get a car from your parents. That doesn't sound that bad to me, does it?
Well, just so people know, consequences can result from anything: something you say, something you did or didn't do, or even something that naturally happens to you. Consequences can even befall upon someone who didn't deserve it, meaning someone else did something that affected you. Yes, this isn't fair, but isn't either?
Well just remember to think about the consequences of your actions next time you act, or the next time you speak. There are others in this world, and as much as you may not want to believe it, you affect us all.
Well, most people tend to be mistaken. Consequences are the reactions of your actions; hence, the results of what you do. These can be good or bad. The consequences of a great report card may be that you get a car from your parents. That doesn't sound that bad to me, does it?
Well, just so people know, consequences can result from anything: something you say, something you did or didn't do, or even something that naturally happens to you. Consequences can even befall upon someone who didn't deserve it, meaning someone else did something that affected you. Yes, this isn't fair, but isn't either?
Well just remember to think about the consequences of your actions next time you act, or the next time you speak. There are others in this world, and as much as you may not want to believe it, you affect us all.
It takes one drop in the ocean to make a wave...
2 Impacted:
ooooo i loved it, plus i love hte ocean +3 for keif!! woo hooo
Impactee Anonymous at June 30, 2005 9:47 AM
btw that was Jen hehehe sorry
Impactee Anonymous at June 30, 2005 9:47 AM
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