Kinda Sorta
Woa now. Okay, I'm sort of talking to Monica again, but let me tell you a little something
Today, in english we had to hand in our Word Journal Summation thingy's, and we totally couldn't find Miss Dempsey's stapler. Her heavy duty, black, giantuous stapler. She's only had it for like 2 days too.
First Ayaz's shoe. According to her she only "borrowed" it. Woa now, who "borrows" a shoe and then sends a ransom notice!?!
Second, my note. Yea, she took that out of a jeleous rage over the fact that I got a note from Becky and she didn't, but whatever. Now, according to her she "borrowed" it. Pffft.
NOW, third, Miss Dempsey's stapler. What did she do, "borrow" it? Whatever! She totally stole it.
But it's all good. I told Miss Dempsey it was Monica. She's totally busted. Have no fear Monica, your raging stealing will be put to an end!
Today, in english we had to hand in our Word Journal Summation thingy's, and we totally couldn't find Miss Dempsey's stapler. Her heavy duty, black, giantuous stapler. She's only had it for like 2 days too.
First Ayaz's shoe. According to her she only "borrowed" it. Woa now, who "borrows" a shoe and then sends a ransom notice!?!
Second, my note. Yea, she took that out of a jeleous rage over the fact that I got a note from Becky and she didn't, but whatever. Now, according to her she "borrowed" it. Pffft.
NOW, third, Miss Dempsey's stapler. What did she do, "borrow" it? Whatever! She totally stole it.
But it's all good. I told Miss Dempsey it was Monica. She's totally busted. Have no fear Monica, your raging stealing will be put to an end!
1 Impacted:
Anonymous at December 22, 2004 1:41 PM
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