Okay. As many of you know, I was the talk of the day today, all because of, what we like to call, RUMORS!
Lets get this started.
Over Holiday Vacation, Jane had a New Year's Eve Party and at this party we all went outside to have a snow ball fight around 2am. Marissa and I decided we were cold, and went inside, got her sleeping bag, unzipped it like a quilt, and put it over the two of us in two separate chairs. We talked, shared some stories, caught up with each other, and had a good time.
Now, for the rumor.
Marissa and I had decided that it would be funny to share that her and I had shared a sleeping bag. Heh. So, this morning, before the start of B period, it was shared with one person that "Marissa and Keith shared a sleeping bag."
This entire time, all we wanted to do was see how the X-Team deals with rumors, and I'm sorry to inform you all, but you failed. What started out as simple as it was, became horribly escalated to something completely untrue: "Keith cheated on Becky." You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Creating rumors that are not true. Tisk tisk! And to those of you who only kept spreading it, shame on you too.
Oh, and I didn't cheat on Becky. Nothing happened between Marissa and I, and neither of us feel anything for each other beyond just being friends.
I think you should all rethink the things you do.
Lets get this started.
Over Holiday Vacation, Jane had a New Year's Eve Party and at this party we all went outside to have a snow ball fight around 2am. Marissa and I decided we were cold, and went inside, got her sleeping bag, unzipped it like a quilt, and put it over the two of us in two separate chairs. We talked, shared some stories, caught up with each other, and had a good time.
Now, for the rumor.
Marissa and I had decided that it would be funny to share that her and I had shared a sleeping bag. Heh. So, this morning, before the start of B period, it was shared with one person that "Marissa and Keith shared a sleeping bag."
This entire time, all we wanted to do was see how the X-Team deals with rumors, and I'm sorry to inform you all, but you failed. What started out as simple as it was, became horribly escalated to something completely untrue: "Keith cheated on Becky." You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Creating rumors that are not true. Tisk tisk! And to those of you who only kept spreading it, shame on you too.
Oh, and I didn't cheat on Becky. Nothing happened between Marissa and I, and neither of us feel anything for each other beyond just being friends.
I think you should all rethink the things you do.
7 Impacted:
I'm Matt Eastman, and I approve this message.
Eastman at January 04, 2005 7:59 PM
hey its shawna...i never even heard the rumor but i was with u guys for a lil bit when u kidnapped me and i know obviously that is such a stupid rumor and i know how much u care about becky and whoever believes that rumor shouldn't be on the x-team cuz they are obviously stupid as hell...
Anonymous at January 04, 2005 9:58 PM
I soooo won that snowball fight after my partner was struck down.
Eastman at January 05, 2005 3:40 PM
Hey Keith! You are the coolest kid ever!
Anonymous at January 05, 2005 3:55 PM
Sounds more like a cry for attention than anything else. Try Giving urself a blowjob, maybe then u'd get some real attention.
Anonymous at January 05, 2005 6:42 PM
Anonymous at January 05, 2005 7:30 PM
You shouldn't get all pissed becuz of some stupid rumor. Just shrug it off and let it go becuz at least u know the real truth.
~someone u used to be friends with
Anonymous at January 05, 2005 7:55 PM
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