Over the Curb
Okay. Well for the first time this winter season, I actually had to go out and shovel. Yes, I know, horrifying. But yes, I spent 20 minutes shoveling the sidewalks, and all that jazz, and then, a half hour later when I looked out the window, a plow came by.
Now, here's where it gets interesting.
The plow, being as gigantuous as it is, is going down my street at a fairly high speed, most likely faster than the speed limit. It is going so fast, that the snow it should be pushing off to the side of the road, "flows" with the shape of the plow, and it JUMPED the curb, the rather large pile of snow from the previous blizzard that we had, and onto the sidewalk.
All of my hard work of shoveling, shot to shit. I was furious.
Now, to the Department of Transportation residing in East Hartford hidden from everyone so we can't attack you - WhatIsUpWithThat?
Someone spends all day shoveling, and then you come by, after the end of the snowing, to just make everyone start over again at square one. Who do you think you are? What if I was an old lady and then had a heart attack because of your lack of care in your job? I would sue your ass for all you were worth.
Seriously. I went out to shovel, after the snow ended, and then you come by after I shovel, and put me back to square one. I expected that I'd have to shovel the driveway apron again, but not my damn sidewalk.
Now, here's where it gets interesting.
The plow, being as gigantuous as it is, is going down my street at a fairly high speed, most likely faster than the speed limit. It is going so fast, that the snow it should be pushing off to the side of the road, "flows" with the shape of the plow, and it JUMPED the curb, the rather large pile of snow from the previous blizzard that we had, and onto the sidewalk.
All of my hard work of shoveling, shot to shit. I was furious.
Now, to the Department of Transportation residing in East Hartford hidden from everyone so we can't attack you - WhatIsUpWithThat?
Someone spends all day shoveling, and then you come by, after the end of the snowing, to just make everyone start over again at square one. Who do you think you are? What if I was an old lady and then had a heart attack because of your lack of care in your job? I would sue your ass for all you were worth.
Seriously. I went out to shovel, after the snow ended, and then you come by after I shovel, and put me back to square one. I expected that I'd have to shovel the driveway apron again, but not my damn sidewalk.
7 Impacted:
WOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Keith. G 2 say, it takes a lot to just go out there and shovel that snow!!! LOL. jk. But good job.
~Love lots,
Anonymous at January 27, 2005 6:16 PM
I don't know what your talking about, my street hardly ever gets plowed, and when it does, not that well. And honestly, would it kill you to shovel just for like ten more minutes? I mean, you are a Connecticut resident, aren't you used to it by now?
Anonymous at January 27, 2005 6:32 PM
Yes, it would kill me to shovel for ten more minutes, because I'm too busy attempting to find that stick up your ass and remove it. And honestly, if it's illegal for us to put our snow into the streets while shoveling, shouldn't it be illegal for them to put snow on my property? Hmm, I think so. Oh, and would it kill them to slow down a little while plowing? I think not.
Keitheronie at January 27, 2005 8:24 PM
You know what would be cool... IF YOU GAVE MONICA HER PLANBOOK BACK. Yes, that would be supercool.
Anonymous at January 27, 2005 9:21 PM
I don't know what your talking about, stick up MY ass. I wasn't meaning to sound uptight, more like joking. I think the question is, where's the stick up YOUR ass? I mean, it must be so tight if you put coals in there they would turn to diamonds. Ca-Ching!
Anonymous at January 28, 2005 9:31 PM
Oh yes, because if sidewalks are the town's property that's exactly why they are doing the shoveling. Hmm. Wonder how that works?
But yes, the snow did go over the curb, I saw it. Not to mention the sidewalks were shoveled, and then when I looked out and saw the plow go by, watched the snow go over, and then saw how all the dirty snow from the street managed to get from the roads to the sidewalk. Yes, I would consider that it did jump the curb from the plow. Next time I'll catch it on video just for you.
Oh, and I did hear you complain for about 10 minutes when you had to shovel the road, and clean the cars. So don't go off getting all pissy assed with me because I vented about it all. It's my blog and that's what I felt like writing.
Yea, I had to shovel my driveway, the front walkway, the two sets of stairs, clean off the cars, and the sidwalk too, all by myself. At least you had someone helping you. And then, per order of my father, I have to go to the gutters and knock off the icicles so our gutters don't bend in half like they did on my neighbors house.
And yea, if you're in a bad mood I would very much appreciate it if you would STOP TAKING IT OUT ON ME. I'm sick of you getting all pissy with me for things that don't warrant it.
Keitheronie at January 28, 2005 11:51 PM
Oh and, you were also just bitching about having to shovel the street right there. And you never saw me crying about it either.
Get off it.
Keitheronie at January 28, 2005 11:52 PM
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